Relationship between the Company and Employees
- Respect for employees
- The Company treats each employee as an independent individual, respecting their unique personality and dignity.
- The Company establishes work systems and training frameworks to enable employees to perform their duties with a sense of ownership and through legitimate means.
- Fair treatment
- The Company provides equal opportunities based on the abilities and qualities of employees, applies fair standards for evaluation, and compensates them fairly.
- The Company treats employees fairly in terms of employment, work, promotion, and other aspects, regardless of gender, education, religion, localism, or physical condition.
- Fair job performance
- Employees share the Company's management philosophy and clearly recognize their rights and responsibilities, performing their assigned duties in the best possible way to align with the Company's goals.
- Employees will not misuse or embezzle the Company's physical or intellectual property for personal gain, and will not engage in any profit-making activities for personal purposes unless permitted by the Company.
- Employees will not engage in unethical or illegal behavior that could provoke social criticism, either in their work or daily lives.
- Proper acquisition of information and prohibition of information leakage
- Employees must access information through appropriate channels and methods that are legally and ethically suitable, and shall not illegally or unfairly obtain confidential information from competitors.
- Customer and internal information must not be disclosed to unauthorized individuals inside or outside the Company without prior consent, and must not be leaked externally without prior approval.